
Photography for Dutch publisher mo'media's city guide time to momo Wenen (Vienna)

Photography for Dutch publisher mo'media's city guide time to momo Wenen (Vienna)

Copy editing and picture editing of visitor tips for Dutch hostel chain Stayokay’s website

Copy editing for Dutch publisher mo'media's city guides time to momo Toscane (Tuscany) and Belgische kust (Belgian coast)

2011-2017: All texts for the bimonthly LifeGuard youth magazines by the Dutch WWF branch, the Wereld Natuur Fonds.

2011-2017: All texts for the bimonthly LifeGuard youth magazines by the Dutch WWF branch, the Wereld Natuur Fonds. An article about the sustainable fabrics of the future.

2011-2017: All texts for the bimonthly LifeGuard youth magazines by the Dutch WWF branch, the Wereld Natuur Fonds.

2011-2017: All texts for the bimonthly LifeGuard youth magazines by the Dutch WWF branch, the Wereld Natuur Fonds. This is part of a poster with tips for a sustainable lifestyle.

All photography for the regional guidebooks 100% Drenthe and 100% Groningen by Dutch publisher mo'media, als well as copy editing of 100% Groningen.

All photography, as well as copy editing of the first Dutch regional guide by publisher mo'media: 100% Groningen.

All photography, as well as copy editing of the first Dutch regional guide by publisher mo'media: 100% Groningen.

Various brochure texts, information panels, and newsletters for Dutch nature conservation agency Natuurmonumenten.

Brochure text aimed at youths, along with several other recruitment texts for supermarket chain Albert Heijn.

Various articles for Dutch gardening magazine Groei & Bloei. Here I provided text and photography for an article about urban gardening in London.

Text for brochures aimed at 12-year-olds and parents for Dutch comprehensive school Gemini College.

Text for brochures aimed at 12-year-olds and parents for Dutch comprehensive school Gemini College.

Photography for Dutch publisher mo'media's city guides 100% Dublin and 100% Krakau.

Photography for city guide 100% Krakau by Dutch publisher mo'media.

Text, photography and route maps for 52 Natuurwandelingen door heel Nederland (52 Nature walks through the Netherlands, a book by publisher mo'media in cooperation with Dutch nature conservation agency Natuurmonumenten). In the same series I also wrote and took photos for 52 Fietsroutes door de natuur (bicycle routes) and 52 x de natuur in (other activities in nature).

Various text contributions for the book Puberbrein Binnenstebuiten (Huub Nelis & Yvonne van Sark, YoungWorks), about the development of the brain in youths aged 10 to 25 and the resulting influence on their skills and behaviour.

All text and photography for the 2010 and 2012 editions of Dutch publisher mo'media's Berlin city guide 100% Berlijn.

All photography for the first (2011) edition of Dutch publisher mo'media's city guide 100% Hamburg.

Dutch nature conservation agency Natuurmonumenten used many KISSMYARTS photos in their pocket, desk, and wall calendars.

Text and photography for various articles for Dutch women's magazine Margriet, e.g. on culinary excursions and (here) on waterside living (text and left-page image).

Features, walking and bicycle routes for Dutch women's magazine Libelle's annual Naar Buiten special.

Libelle feature on the Graphic Design Museum Breda, alongside a walking and bicycle route in the surrounding area.

Previous clients/projects include: German National Tourist Board, Het Schoter Scholengemeenschap, Van Abbemuseum, dance4life, World Press Photo, Nationale Hoorstichting, YoungWorks, mo’media/100% city guides, and several magazines: Libelle, Margriet, Spoor, ToerActief, Groei & Bloei, Outside Magazine.